Mr Bee daily maths now available on digital signage solution TrilbyTV
Mr Bee is proud to announce an exciting new partnership with TrilbyTV, the number one digital signage platform that is made for education. TrilbyTV offers a full range of content options for digital signage including video, slideshows, Twitter feeds and web content. It also contains a Content Catalogue, full of education focused ready to use content from well known and trusted organisations including us.
From today, all TrilbyTV customers can now add ‘Mr Bee’s Daily Maths Tasks’ to their screens via their via their Content Catalogue, adding to an already epic education line-up that includes; Vocabulary Ninja, Rodocodo, Britannica and WWF. This is a fantastic way to help students master maths and solve problems. It develops their skills and confidence to solve problems on their own. We are thrilled that even more people will be able to make sense of maths with the help of TrilbyTV.

TrilbyTV’s Neil Emery, had this to say about this new and exciting partnership,
“Digital Signage isn’t just about screens on walls and delivering information. For TrilbyTV it’s about inspiring young people, showcasing their achievements, while helping reinforce their learning. That's why our content collaborations with those such as Mr Bee Teach are so important to support the next generations learning, utilising school digital signage screens.”
The combination of Mr Bee’s content and TrilbyTV’s simple, easy to use software solution create the perfect match to engage audiences.

Add ‘Mr Bee Daily Maths Tasks’ to your digital signage
If you are already using TrilbyTV and are logged in, then click here to add ‘Mr Bee Daily Maths Tasks’ to your digital signage. It’s just one simple tap to get this great content onto your feed, so it starts playing on your screens.
If you are not already using TrilbyTV, then just click here to sign up for a free 30 day trial. You can check out the ‘Mr Bee Daily Maths Tasks’ and other amazing content, as well as trying out the number one digital signage platform made for education in your school.
